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Цирковая энциклопедия + Видео.

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"Диабология" "The Art of Diabolo" - обучающее видео
19.09.2015, 09:35

Diabology Diabolo Double DVD

Mr Babache
The first quality DVD specifically dedicated to the art of diabolo!

The 9 diabolo masters of The Mad French Posse present a complete set of 22 thematic videos (total :140 mins) using between 1 and 5 diabolos each.

This 2 DVD box set is split into 2 main sections.

The first Diabolo DVD features the Mad French Posse doing stuff with diabolos you could never imagine.

You will be amazed and by their spectacular performance!

The second DVD is an instructional disc aimed at teaching you loads of great moves with 1 and 2 diabolos.

DVD 1 Смотреть, скачать.

DVD 2 Смотреть. Скачать.

Категория: Разное | Добавил: Admin
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